we had a long weekend last week and my husband has also come to visit from san francisco, so it was a perfect time to take a short trip from graz to croatia. we decided to stay in porec and do some sight seeing and seafood- eating from porec to rovinj. porec is a cute little town at mediterranean sea with small streets and tons of cafes and restaurants to hang out at the water or close to water. it's landmark is the euphrasian basilica from 6th century. since we were staying in porec i also went running in the mornings when the sun rises at the harbor and the fishermen are back from fishing. it was beautiful but enjoying all that seafood was even better.
on the way south along the coast, the scenery is gorgeous especially lim fjord. Owing to its geological history, this estuary is one of the most instructive examples of limestone hydrological development. The Lim stream used to flow through the valley but dried up regularly, and was really only present after the heavy rain. The Lim estuary has the appearance of a canyon. The estuary is rich in fish, and high quality oysters and mussels. Because of the special conditions of the sea water in the channel (less salt content, a higher concentration of dissolved oxygen and well-researched temperature gradients) sea flora and fauna are particularly well developed. we went down to the fjord and enjoyed some fantastic fresh mussels and oysters.
then further south is the beautiful city of rovinj. so many cute little streets on this town that end at the water. i could imagine sitting there at the water and reading books for ages. the old church in the middle of town and a beautiful roman theatre are some of the highlights to see there.