it's getting colder in austria and having a wintery dish in the evening is a great treat. the ingredients for adas polo are:
- 2 cups rice
- 1.5 cup lentils
- one onion
- 1/2 cup raisins
- 1/2 cup medjool dates
- 50 gr butter
- saffron
- cinnamon
- salt and pepper
boil the lentils with three cups of water for half hour, if they are not cooked add another cup of water and let them cook for another 15 minutes. depending on the type of lentils it can take from half an hour to one and a half hour to cook! bring 3 cups of water to the boil and add rice, salt, pepper, butter and dissolved saffron into it. leave it on medium heat till the water is gone, then lower the heat and add the lid for five minutes. in the meanwhile chop onions and saute them in some olive oil. add raisins, finely chopped dates,and cinnamon and saute them all together briefly. they can burn very fast, so just saute them for a couple of minutes. add the lentils to the mix and turn the stove off. when rice is ready mix all the ingredients into the rice and if you like to have a crispy tahdeeg (rice cake on the buttom of the pot) let every thing cook on low heat another ten minutes. (it should be a none stick pot) then turn it upsaide down and you have the whole rice cake with all the yummy stuff in it. enjoy it with some yogourt. nousheh jahn!